- Land degradation control through soil conservation, reforestation and afforestation.
- Management of watershed potential of Balochistan and enhancement of vegetative cover of the province to attain the minimum international standard of 25%.
- Effectively contribute in the carbon sink, combat climate change and reduction in the global warming.
- Development, management and regulation of rangelands on sustainable basis.
- Conservation of wildlife and management of protected areas including national parks, game reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, estuaries, wetlands, etc. of the province.
- Promotion, regulation and management of forest ecosystem.
- Promotion and regulation of state and community forests, farm forestry, roadside tree plantation and Natural resources (like fuel wood, timber, non-timber forest products, and wildlife products).
- Development and management of recreational parks, arboreta, zoological parks, zoos, wildlife breeding centers at Provincial, Divisional, District and community level.
- 8-A-Promotion and provision of Ecotourism facilities in Wildlife Protected Areas subject to due care for the Eco system and further subject to approval by the Government.
- Coordination with the Economic Affairs Division and Planning Division and other relevant Ministries, Divisions and Authorities, International Organizations like UNDP, World Bank etc.
- Implementation of international conventions, treaties, agreements, commitments in forest and wildlife sector made by Government.
- Establishment of research/ educational and training facilities for the development, conservation and strengthening the forest, wildlife and environment sectors in the province.