Welcome to Wildlife Wing

Chief Conservator Wildlife Balochistan Quetta.
Balochistan, by virtue of its vast area (about 44% land of Pakistan), sparse human population, diverse topography and climatic zones has been gifted with a wide variety of wildlife species. These wildlife species inhabit different ecosystems present in the province from coast to the peaks of high mountains. The province has a unique position in the country with respect to its wildlife species and diverse habitats. According to an IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) report, Balochistan province is unique in the World for having fauna of three Zoogeographic regions of Glob, the animals of Palearctic or Eurasian region, Oriental or Indian region and Ethiopian region. The province serves as a habitat to many endemic and threatened wildlife species of international importance such as "Chiltan wild goat, Balochistan Black Bear, Goitered Gazelle, Indian Chinkara, Ibex, Suleiman & Kabul Markhors, Afghan & Balochistan Urial, Marine Turtles, migratory & resident bird species and reptile species etc. The desert ecosystems of the province are home to some unique reptiles, which are famous among the herpetologist all over the globe. Although all province is rich in wildlife resources but most of the wildlife resources has not been investigated in detail. As compared to the past, when wild animals were found abundantly in different habitats, in recent past populations of wild animals have drastically declined. Increase in human population, availability of sophisticated weapons, destruction of habitats and a relatively less effective control of Government over hunting and poaching have proved to be the main causes for declining populations of large ungulates and other wildlife species in the province. However, in the tribal areas of the province, conservation of wildlife has got special attention and in this context the Community based Game Reserves and trophy hunting programmes particularly have proved very effective in protection and conservation of wild animals in their habitats. The Government of Balochistan keeping in view the importance of Wildlife resources of province on 31st August, 2021 notified Wildlife Wing of Balochistan Forest and Wildlife as attached Department and adopted a policy “Balochistan Wildlife Conservation Policy, 2020. The Wildlife Department, at present, is managing three (03) National Parks i.e., i. Hazarganji Chiltan National Park (Quetta & Mastung), ii. Hingol National Park (Lasbela, Awaran & Gwadar), iii. Ziarat National Park, fourteen (14) Wildlife Sanctuaries, and seven (07) Game Reserves. Besides, managing five (05) international importance of notified RAMSAR Sites, wetlands (Astola Island, Jiwani, Ormara, Mini Hor, Hub Dam) and eight (08) Community Game Reserves and first Marine Protected area of Pakistan, Astola Marine Protected area (MPA) in district Gwadar. The wildlife protected areas and wildlife species of the province are legally covered by the Balochistan Wildlife (Protection, Preservation, Management and Conservation) Act, 2014 and Wildlife Protection Rules, 2015. The Wildlife Department with its limited resources is committed to conserve and promote its valuable wildlife resources, ensure its sustainability and preserve it for present and future generations.
About Wildlife Wing
Please note that specific functions and responsibilities may evolve over time due to changing circumstances and policies. Here are some of the key functions typically associated with the Balochistan Wildlife Wing:
Wildlife Conservation:
Developing and implementing conservation strategies and plans for the protection of wildlife species and their habitats in Balochistan.
Habitat Management:
Managing and preserving natural habitats to ensure they can support healthy populations of wildlife. Conducting habitat restoration and improvement projects.
Wildlife Protection:
Enforcing laws and regulations aimed at protecting wildlife from poaching, illegal trade, and habitat destruction. Patrolling protected areas and conducting anti-poaching operations.
Biodiversity Monitoring:
Monitoring the status and health of wildlife species through surveys and research. Collecting data on species populations, migration patterns, and habitat changes.
Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation:
Providing care and rehabilitation for injured, sick, or orphaned wildlife with the goal of releasing them back into the wild.
Education and Outreach:
Educating the public about the importance of wildlife conservation and biodiversity. Organizing awareness campaigns, workshops, and educational programs.
Research and Scientific Studies:
Conducting scientific research to understand the behavior, ecology, and needs of wildlife species. Collaborating with universities and research institutions to advance wildlife conservation knowledge.
Permitting and Regulation:
Issuing permits for activities such as hunting, trapping, and the collection of certain species, ensuring that these activities are conducted sustainably and legally.
Conservation Programs:
Implementing programs for the conservation of endangered and threatened species. Promoting the recovery of endangered species through captive breeding and reintroduction efforts.
International Collaboration:
Collaborating with other provinces and countries, as well as international organizations, on regional and global wildlife conservation initiatives.
Policy Development:
Advising government agencies on wildlife-related policies, regulations, and legislation. Participating in the development of national and provincial wildlife conservation plans.
Sustainable Resource Use:
Promoting sustainable practices for the utilization of wildlife resources, such as hunting, fishing, and non-timber forest products.
Community Engagement:
Involving local communities in wildlife conservation efforts and sustainable resource management. Addressing human-wildlife conflicts and promoting coexistence.
Please note that the specific priorities and activities of the Balochistan Wildlife Wing may change over time based on the evolving needs and challenges in the region. It's advisable to refer to official government sources or contact the wildlife wing directly for the most up-to-date information on their functions and initiatives.